AutoFX AutoEye 2.11 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop | 20 MB

AutoFX AutoEye 2.11 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop
AutoFX AutoEye 2.11 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop | 20 MB

AutoEye 2.0 is an automated image enhancement solution that rebuilds lost detail, color and enhances digital photos to bring out amazing clarity and color fidelity. AutoEye 2.0 runs as a stand-alone application and as an Adobe Photoshop plug-in for Windows users. 
System Requirements


OS: XP / Vista / Windows 7
32 and 64 bit Versions
Memory: 512 MB
Disk Space: 50 MB
Photoshop Support: CS, CS2, CS3, C4, CS5 and CS6


OS: OS 10.4 - 10.6.9 / PPC or Intel
OS: Currently does NOT support Mac Lion 10.7
Memory: 512 MB
Disk Space: 50 MB
Photoshop Support: CS, CS2, CS3, C4, CS5, and CS6

AutoFX AutoEye 2.11 Plugin for Adobe Photoshop

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Wargame: European Escalation MacOS X

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