Adobe Master Collection CS5 [MAC]

Adobe Master Collection CS5 [MAC] | 5.62 GB

Fully working Adobe Master Collection CS5 [MAC]. Installed and tested on OS X 10.6.4.

A pack includes:
Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Extended
Adobe Illustrator® CS5
Adobe InDesign® CS5
Adobe Acrobat® 9 Pro
Adobe Flash® CatalystT CS5
Adobe Flash Professional CS5
Adobe Flash BuilderT 4
Adobe Dreamweaver® CS5
Adobe Fireworks® CS5
Adobe Contribute® CS5
Adobe Premiere® Pro CS5
Adobe After Effects® CS5
Adobe Soundbooth® CS5
Adobe OnLocationT CS5
Adobe Encore® CS5

PDF with serial included. Just run dmg, enter one of serial when asked.
Good idea is also to block connections in firewall (perhaps just use MidgetSnitch for connection blocking).


Ps. From my personal download of this script and my troubles.. make sure when you copy and past the script into apple editor that it looks EXACTLY like the pdf (ie.. whitespace and lines) If it doesn't the script won't want to compile for you  

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